During a recent upgrade I encountered an error for any Domain User attempting to run FRx reports from a workstation.  The reports ran without issue from the server when logged in as Domain Admin.  The customer was running FRx 6.7 SP12 on a Windows 7 workstations connected to a Windows Server 2003 SP2.

  • FRx Reporting Engine
  • Source: FSSolIV451
  • Error 40002: 01000: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The statement has been terminated.

To resolve the issue I manually modified the ODBC configuration at the workstation for the system and application databases as follows:

  • Deselected “Use ANSI quoted identifers”
  • Deselect “Use ANSI nulls, paddings and warnings”
  • Deselected “Perform translation for character data”

Once these changes were made Domain Users were able to run the FRx reports.

If  you are an existing Customer or interested in becoming a Customer and need assistance please contact us at acumaticasupport@swktech.com.

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