We have encountered a handful of customers attempting to install hot fix 7.003_20391SY who have encountered issues.

The hot fix provides a resolution for 9 issues

If you attempt to install this hot fix and the workstation and/or server does not have C++ 2005 SP1 installed the hot fix install will fail.

In some cases even after installing the C++ 2005 SP1 update the hot fix installation fails.

We have found that installing the C++ 2005 update without the SP1 included resolves this issue and allows you to install the hot fix without issue.

The 8.003_20319SY hot fix can be downloaded from Microsoft Customer Source.

The C++ 2005 update with and without SP1 can be downloaded from Microsoft.

If you have questions or need assistance please contact us at acumaticasupport@swktech.com.

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