Ready to Make the Leap to eCommerce? Read This eBook First

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Get Grounded in the Facts – New eBook from the Acumatica eCommerce Experts


Right now, eCommerce is booming. It is likely that you, like many modern business leaders, have considered eCommerce solutions to boost your company’s sales. Perhaps you have even looked into a few popular eCommerce platforms… and realized that eCommerce is extremely confusing.

Cut through the commerce confusion with the eBook that clearly explains the basics of eCommerce. Download your complimentary copy of the “Roadmap to eCommerce Success,” brought to you by the Acumatica eCommerce experts at SWK Technologies.

Why Choose eCommerce Now?

According to a recent report from the eCommerce research experts at, eCommerce sales in the U.S. topped $600 million in 2019 alone. Events in 2020 are likely to significantly increase those numbers going forward.

Whether your business is seeking to capture new customers and generate new leads, or you simply wish to gain additional revenues outside of your brick-and-mortar locations, there is no time like the present to begin your eCommerce journey.

SWK Technologies is here to help with the eCommerce eBook that gets you on your way to eCommerce success.

What Is in the eBook?

When you download the “Roadmap to eCommerce Success” eBook, you will gain instant access to all the information you need to get started with the right eCommerce solution for your precise needs.

The eBook clearly explains:

  • How to determine what type of eCommerce seller you are
  • The various features and capabilities of eCommerce solutions, including the popular Acumatica eCommerce Edition
  • The differences and pros/cons of various types of eCommerce setups:
    • Marketplaces (Amazon, eBay, Overstock, etc.)
    • Self-managed eCommerce platforms (Magento, PrestaShop, etc.)
    • Hosted eCommerce platforms (BigCommerce, Shopify, etc.)
  • 11 additional considerations you must think about before you make your eCommerce decision

Why Choose Acumatica eCommerce?

“We looked around for quite a while for what we wanted – an ERP that could integrate with a POS [Point of Sale solution] and our website… The leadership team of any small or medium business considering an ERP system is doing themselves a great disservice if Acumatica isn’t on their list to investigate.”

CEO, Manufacturing Company

At SWK Technologies, we are partial to the Acumatica eCommerce Edition due to its flexibility, tight ERP-eCommerce integration, and cutting-edge secure platform. But we know that you have many choices when it comes to your eCommerce selection.

Whether or not the integrated, modern Acumatica eCommerce solution is on your list, this eBook will still deliver extremely valuable information about eCommerce basics, options, and important considerations.

It is a smart idea to at least read through the information in the eBook before selecting your eCommerce solution.

Here at SWK Technologies, we have read a lot of eBooks and white papers about eCommerce over the years – yet we have never run across anything that explains eCommerce as clearly or succinctly as the “Roadmap to eCommerce Success” does. That is why we decided to share it with you.

Download your copy of the “Roadmap to eCommerce Success.”


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